The Money Reading: 1:1 Coaching Call with Dounia The Boost Coach

1:1 Coaching Call with The Boost Coach, Dounia Lkoundi


In our 60-minute high-level session, you’ll discover your top 3 Money Archetypes and how they are currently running (and ruining) your finances – you will get clear on WHY you…

  • End up buying overpriced and expensive gifts for friends and family but feel guilty splurging on yourself (butchering the budget)
  • Always end up bickering over money with your significant other (even if you’re the one who earned it!)
  • Chronically overspend or overinvest in your business (course whores anyone?)
  • Save for a “rainy day”, hoard or “pinch pennies” even if you are financially secure (you just can’t help yourself)
  • Procrastinate following up with prospects or clients

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